Saturday, May 21, 2011

:-) ... :-/

According to one of my good friends, at least a portion of hell has frozen over. She's the friend who always stated very firmly that she would never, never, never have kids. Period. End of story... She's due in November - hence the frozen hell.

I'm so excited for her! I've always thought that if she changed her mind, she'd make an amazing mother. I never faulted her for her decision to be child-less, but she's so loving and amazing that I kind of felt like she would be depriving herself of an incredible experience if she stuck to her guns on this one.

Now, since she dropped this bombshell on me by text, I haven't had the chance to discuss ANY of this with her like was this a surprise or planned? How is she feeling? When can I start buying stuff? I'm sure that this type of talk is exactly why she chose texting as her mode of notification, and why she is not answering the phone now... dang it! :-P

We would have been due at the same time.

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