Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This is shaping up to be One Of Those Weeks. The kind of week where tiny things snowball into one giant crummy week. So I'm gonna whine about it.

I don't feel good. I have felt bad for a week or two, but it was low-grade crappiness rather than anything awful. I assumed that I'm developing allergies since my symptoms are all sinus related. Over the weekend it blossomed into a cough, drainage, congestion, headache, sore throat and nausea... oh and occasional dizziness. Blech. Since I'm (finally) not nursing anymore, I can take medicine (yay!), but it all seems to just make me feel fuzzy and dehydrated instead of better.

Our new pool guy quit. Even better, he quit by not showing up or calling and now refusing to answer our calls. We were kind of depending on him, and have been a bit busy of late, so we're on the verge of having algae AGAIN after having just spent our entire savings account to clean up the last algae outbreak.

All of my clothes are worn out. Most have tiny holes, sweat stains and/or don't fit. It's too hot for this shit. Since we emptied our savings account for the pool, I'm stuck with what I have.

We're trying to plan a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for my in-laws. It's like herding cats. So frustrated!

My daughter doesn't feel great either. She has chosen to act like a jerk pretty much every time we leave the house. Yesterday she BIT me when it was time to leave the museum.

My stupid 20-year high school reunion is this fall. I was peripherally involved in the planning until people started acting like they are 18 instead of 38. Now any warm and fuzzy thoughts that I had about having some laughs with a few old acquaintances have turned into bitter musings. I think I'll skip it.

Apparently I'm more upset about my recent miscarriages than I thought. Since finding out that my friend is expecting and due when I would nave been, I've been off-kilter and out of sorts.

I miss my husband. He's been so busy that even when he's home, he's so tired that he's not really here... and he's going to be out of town for our 15th anniversary. Poop.

The garden that my mama and I have been so excited about has a few serious bug issues. We may lose half (or more) of it before it even blooms.

I'm going to go take a nap. Everything looks better after a nap, right?


  1. I hope you woke up feeling better!

  2. Thank you! I did... marginally... I almost came back and deleted this post due to the high 'Poor Me' quotient, but I guess I'll leave it. It's my truth right now. Maybe having it in writing will prod me to do something about it.
