Friday, February 11, 2011

Fine, Fine, Stop Bugging Me!

^^^ See what I did there with the title? I made it seem like I have a bazillion readers who are clamoring for more details. What I really have is the jitters from drinking too much coffee. I also have freshly colored hair (thanks, Feria!) and skin that glows (thanks, LUSH).

Let's continue, shall we? I received the rambling nonsense, gave it some thought and decided that this was all coming from the same little girl who had tried to hurt me before. So it was ON. I replied with this:

ME: If you truly just wanted to end an affair, you would have done so without the dramatic reveal. You obviously want attention. Here is your chance. Consider this the gauntlet. Provide provable details of your relationship and how you got my cell phone number, or I will assume that I know exactly who you are.

I live my life in the open. I'm not afraid of what you have to say. It feels good out here in the sun. Join me.


Then I waited... patience is NOT a virtue that I possess :-P

When I got tired of waiting, I sent this - I'll put my commentary/explanations in red:

ME: Oooooooooooh. No response. (very mature, no?)

So you gleaned one new tidbit of information (the bit about losing his pants is true - he travels so much that he actually lost a pair of pants recently) (we've - yes, WE, The Man (edited to 'protect' the innocent') knows all about this - already figured out where you got it) and thought you'd use it to mess with me. Wow. Good to know that you haven't matured. (did I mention yet that she's very, very, very young?)

Although I noted that your writing has marginally improved, you still use all of the same themes. 'Here's some upsetting info'... 'I'm a victim in this'... 'Here are some more things that should be hurtful you'... 'I just wish it could be different, but I'm still the victim'... very easy to spot.

I noticed that you've moved on from craigslist (where the philandering version of The Man initially found her) to Adult Friend Finder. Nice. Classy. Good place for a mother to be spending time (this child had 4 babies of her own). I do find it intriguing that you hate yourself so much that you need that kind of attention. Oh, and anyone on that nasty site does not have 'just chatting' in mind. Interesting tactic.

We're different than the last go-round. We made it past your manipulations and games, and we came out the other end stronger. We're a family. A family with no secrets. Your insinuations and pity parties fall flat this time because there are no shadows for doubt to live in. I know where he is during the day because we talk. I know what goes on on the weekends because his coworkers (and his bosses) tell me. I know he's not going to hotels because he flat out doesn't have time.

If your intention was to upset me, you've failed. If you want to play, let's go Cakesbaby (a nickname that they used to use). I've got time on my hands and fire in my soul. I've missed the wordplay and banter of unhealthy relationships (I really have - banter is fun). I could use the practice. Be forewarned, I am blogging this and will be sending it directly to various family and friends (done and done - including The Man), so consider your responses carefully. Like I said, it feels good out here in the  sun (instant blog title, right?).

Your new on-line best friend,
The Wife Who Stayed
^^ check it out... it's a link... to a blog... oh, this is FUN! (and it was a link in the e-mail, but it would be dumb to link back to a blog that you are currently reading)


So that's where it stands right now. I'm interested to see if she bites... if not, this blog will go all serious for a while. If so.... oh, the possibilities are endless...

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