Friday, February 11, 2011


Well, I've gotten no response. There are (of course) several options for this. They include, but are not limited to:

1. She hasn't had time to look at my e-mails and/or the blog yet.
2. She has no intention of looking at either.
3. She's not the particular child-woman that I thought she was, and she was NOT expecting the wrath.
4. She's trying really, really hard to come up with a decent reply because I flat-out told her that it was going to be published on line.
5. She gives up.

Notice that I did not include 'my husband really is cheating on me (again)' as an option. There's a reason for this. When this started (a mere 48 hours ago), I still thought that I was pretty insecure about our relationship, and it occurred to me that this all might be true. As the hours ticked by, I realized that I am secure in us. I believe in my husband. I don't believe anonymous (a.k.a. cowardly) accusations couched in vague references to things that were and/or could have been true in the past. When I gave serious thought time to the way we live our lives these days, I decided that I'm rock solid. I'm not afraid. If there is any current truth in what this woman has to say, then I need to hear it. I am done living with my head in the sand.

I love my husband, and I refuse to spend the rest of my life worrying that he could be cheating on me. He is working hard to prove himself to me. His intentions are clear in word and action every day. Unless I am given real, true, provable information to the contrary, I believe in him with all of my heart.

*Le sigh* I was hoping for a verbal tussle. Oh well. I will (happily) settle for the realization that we are more solid as a family now than we have ever been. Welcome to my world, folks. It ain't Elmo's World, but then, why would I want that?

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