Friday, June 3, 2011


You know, I felt like this had to get worse. I mean, as bad as it's been, it didn't feel awful enough to be rock bottom. I was calm, and nobody had been kicked out of the house.

I was right. NOW I may or may not have found rock bottom. I am actually going to post it here. I may even wrap this whole fucking blog up with a ribbon and deliver it to my in-laws as a 50th wedding anniversary gift 'cause this shit is goooooold, baby.

In addition to doing his girlfriend in a parking garage (I know, classy, right?), the two of them were unprotected. You heard me. Supposedly she is 'fixed' or 'defective' or something, so they figured 'why not?'

WHY NOT?! Yeah, why the fuck not. Try thinking about the two other people in you marriages YOU ASSHOLES. Maybe think about the possibility that one of you has picked up a guest on your travels around the adulterous whore circuit. Maybe the one of you who is ACTIVELY TRYING TO CONCEIVE A CHILD with their spouse could think about someone other than themselves for one damn moment. But I guess that would destroy the magic of an affair... if you thought about someone else...

So, it gets better. Yep. At my first OB appointment for my current pregnancy, I will need to ask for a full STD screening. No shame there. Happily married, monogamous wife joyfully conceived her second child with her husband of 15 years. No reason for tears.

AND IT GETS BETTER. They met in person for the first time ON MY BIRTHDAY. No birthday lunch for the wife, but for the internet whore, sure. Oh, and he complained to her about the infrequency of our sexual encounters. Asshole. My next husband will want to be with me every damn day.

This one is not coming near me again.


  1. Oh, R. For fucks sake. Is he not an ADULT? Seems more like a child. And you don't need to take care of another one. You need to take care of YOU. And that gorgeous little girl of yours. And, wait. You're pregnant again? Wanna chat soon? PS - I'm coming to your hometown in August...

  2. Thanks, G. I'd love to chat, but can't talk much now or I can't stay in control. Thus the obsessive blog posting - it's my outlet. Maybe next week? I will be OVERJOYED to be able to hug you in August!
